Thursday, 7 July 2011

Skydiving in Abbotsford

So I finally took the "leap" - so to speak - at Sky Dive Vancouver yesterday afternoon. It was a perfect, sunny day for jumping.

I have to tell you that the people at Sky Dive Vancouver were absolutely amazing.  If I had any reservations beforehand, once I got there, it was complete excitement.

There for two other jumpers who took the plunge with me and they were both excited as well. People ask me what it felt like as I jumped from the plane and did a free fall at 125 miles per hour for almost a minute at 10,000 feet. 

All I can say it that it was exhilarating.

The sound of the wind was strong in my ears, and my stomach did do a bit of a flip-flop, but once I was out of the plane, it was pure adrenaline. I wasn't scared, I was pumped. :)

Once the chute kicked in, it was silence. And for the next eight minutes, I was able to appreciate where I was and all the beautiful sights around me.  It really felt like a dream. You know, the one we all have when we feel as though we are flying in our dreams. Magic.

And when I landed, I was a bit sad that it was over, but really happy that I did it.  It will be the first of my many adventures to come featured in the Now newspaper at the end of July. And if you want to know exactly what I saw and what it felt like, you can watch the video experience of my jump here: