I wrote a parenting column about being a stay at home mom. It later evolved in to presentations. I also founded a website www.thestayathomemother.com which provided information, tips and advice for at-home moms.
The website and concept later evolved in to a company that taught moms how to go in to business for themselves. The name was Enterprising Moms Inc. We had monthly meetings, great speakers and annual events for women to showcase their businesses.
I did that for five years, and later sold the company after it had grown beyond me (15 chapters across Canada and hundreds of members).
I felt that chapter of my life had been about inspiring and empowering women with the right tools and information to utilize in their lives.

So on my 39th birthday, I chose 40 goals to accomplish before my 40th birthday. They ranged from crazy adventures (skydiving, snowboarding) to traveling to incredible places (Bora Bora, Costa Rica) to meeting dynamic people (Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson).
I managed to accomplish them all before my 40th birthday and prove that what limits we have in our lives are self-imposed. Think you can't do something? Start by telling yourself you can, and you are already half-way there.
What was great about my 40 under 40 column that I wrote for the newspaper was the effect it had on other people. I received countless emails from readers who were also inspired to apply it to their own lives.
One particular good friend, has launched her own 40 Before 40 list and is actively working on knocking each one down. Her name is Eva Hamori and she is a very inspiring person, and I do invite you to keep up with her blog to see where she is on her list :
To give you an idea of her ability to reach her goals - last year, her and her family sold everything in South Surrey, BC and moved to the South of France to run a bed and breakfast.
Here is their B & B:
At the end of the day, inspiring others to achieve their own goals and meeting like-minded individuals along the way, is what makes what I do all the more meaningful. In the past six months, my 40 under 40 column, evolved in to a travel/adventure column. I write for several publications throughout PostMedia Network Inc, Glacier Media and 24 Hours.
I have been able to "marry" two loves in my life - my writing and my desire to travel.
Next week, I'm off to the Grand Cayman Islands. I've never been, but I understand it is glorious - and I can't wait.
Life is an adventure and is meant to be lived to its fullest.
Here's hoping that today, you take one step towards making a goal in your own life a reality.